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Fun in the Summer Term
The sun is shining, and the term is almost over! There are so many ways you can take advantage of the nice weather to enhance learning.
Grow a small plant
Nothing feels more summery than watching the flowers bloom, why not bring some of this excitement in to the classroom and grow your own little flowers. You could even reuse/recycle items to use as plant pots to grow your small plants.
Make an Ant Farm
To further demonstrate nature, you could create your own ant farm visible for the children to watch its evolution. If you’re limited on space, large plastic bottles can be used to create a small ant farm which may be more classroom friendly than a big display case.
Reading outdoors
If your class is spending time reading a book, why not do it outside?
Have a class picnic
Enjoy some extra treats/snacks with an outdoor picnic. If your currently studying a theme such as the Romans, why not have a Roman feast?
Outdoor Art
Take your art class outdoors for a different perspective; perhaps you could put a large piece of paper on the wall for all the children to paint on. Or maybe challenge the children to sketch something they find outside.
You can incorporate these and so many more ideas to brighten up your learning throughout the summer!
Looking for some extra fun? Our Play in a Day workshops are lots of fun and just what your children need to end their school year!