While the British summertime weather can be unpredictable at times, it’s inevitable that everyone will enjoy some screen time (particularly on those rainy days!)
We agree it can be exciting to use, from social media to YouTube to e-books but we wanted to highlight some top tips to help families manage screen time this summer!
- Get out and about
Screen time doesn’t just include devices, it could also simply mean watching TV! Therefore, why not set some time aside each day to get outside and see what nature has to offer, ride a bike or play your favourite ball games? Going for a long walk is also a great way to improve everyone’s mental and physical health – bonus!
- Try a timed trial
Many devices have features to set time limits for use. Agree a suitable amount of time to enjoy and then put devices away.
- Digital Detox
This one may be a little trickier but maybe set the family a challenge this Summer to detox from screens all together! This could be one day, or even a whole week if you are brave enough!
- Day out without screens
For those lucky few, going on holiday or having a beach day is a great way to distract from going on devices but there are also plenty of home activities that could be done to keep you entertained! Maybe try some baking or design your own board game?
- Lead by example
It’s a great idea if all the family can take part in reduced screen time. Family meal times are a great way to get talking and have each other’s full attention.
- Agree ‘Tech-free’ Zones
Making family meal areas a phone-free zone is an easy way to start.
- No screens at least an hour before bedtime
The BBC also has some great information and tips about how to help manage screen time in the home:
We hope you are all having a lovely Summer so far!