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We have loved hearing about how everyone celebrated official Shakespeare Week last week!
Shakespeare week celebrates the life and work of the man we have all come to know as the creator of so many wonderful stories! But did you know that not only did he create some classic storylines, but he also invented a lot of words and phrases which we still use today?!
‘Wild goose chase’-Romeo and Juliet
‘All the worlds a stage’- As You Like It
‘Generous’- Julius Creaser
‘Majestic’- Henry VIII
‘To thine own self be true’- Hamlet
‘Swagger’- A Midsummer Night’s Dream
‘Break the ice’- The Taming of the Shrew
‘In a pickle’-The Tempest
‘Eventful’- As You Like It
‘Gossip’-The Comedy of Errors
‘Worthless’ The Two Gentlemen of Verona
‘Jealously is the green eyed monster’- Othello
Want to learn more? Check out the official website of all things Shakespeare: https://www.shakespeare.org.uk/ to find more words and phrases invented by Shakespeare himself!
Looking for something more practical? We have a range of accessible adaptations of some of Shakespeare’s classics such as Romeo & Julie, Macbeth and A Midsummer Night’s Dream! You can find them all here!