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Transitions Top Tips
It’s almost time for all the year 6s to move on to High School, and that can be a stressful and worrying experience. Here are a few top tips which we have picked up over the years that could make your class/child’s transition to High School easier.
Prepare for the first day
Don’t leave everything until the morning of the first day of school; make sure they have their bag packed with everything they are going to need at least the night before. Have the uniform ready and maybe even hung out so it is easy for them to find in the morning.
Practice their new route
High school kids usually want more independence, like making their own way to school. No matter where their new school is, make sure you have practiced the route with them before their first day. This could involve getting the bus, finding a bus time table for them or just walking the route with them.
Making new friends
Making new friends can be really tough, but there are a few tips you can give them to help them along the way. Try approaching a person on their own rather than groups of people, they will be easier to talk to. Try and find something in common, maybe a good talking point could be a class you have together or a teacher you both like.
Keeping on top of homework
They are going to be getting a lot more homework than they were at primary school, keeping on top of it is really important. They need to write their homework down in their homework diary every day, with the date it is due in. They need to put some time aside every night to do their homework, this could be as soon as they get home or an hour before bed time, whichever works best for them.
These are just some of the things can can help your class/child transition in to High School!
Want to make your class's transition even easier? Our Transition workshops are just the thing!