World Book Day Ideas!

World Book Day Ideas!

World Book Day is one of the biggest days of the year for schools! Every kid in the country will be dressing up as their favourite book character and talking about their favourite books.

But you can do more for world book day than dressing up. There are so many fun activties you could do to help celerate the world of books and encourage reading.

Name that quote!

In this fun game, you can choose some famous book quotes and see if your class can figure out what book they are from!

Book Swap

Ask the class all bring in an old book and exchange their book with someone elses. The children will all get to read a new book and they are recycling their old things.


Books are full of heros and villans, why not explore this concept? One way you could do this is by creating a wanted poster for a well known character.

Creative Workshop

Konflux Theatre has some fantastic workshops which are perfect for World Book Day. Take your class on a journey through some of the worlds most famous books from Roald Dahl to fairytales with our fun, interactive and creative workshops!