Councils & Organisations

Durham Road Safety - Konflux Drama Workshops

Konflux Theatre is a trusted Company that has been working successfully throughout the UK for 25 years. We use Play in a Day®, which was pioneered by Konflux, and Creative Learning workshops to highlight important topics, such as Road Safety. We have worked with numerous Councils and Organisations across the UK and we pride ourselves on our ability to tailor make a bespoke project that clearly targets the organisations aims and objectives.

Last year alone over 4000 pupils participated in a Konflux Play in a Day® workshop funded by their local council and more than 17,250 pupils were involved in an end of day assembly.

How does it work?

All you need to do is to decide how many Schools you would like to take part in your 'Play in a Day®' tour and we do all the hard work for you!

We work with your local Schools and organise all details ourselves. We then collect verbal and written feedback from the Schools after their workshop has taken place!

Our projects are designed to be an exciting, memorable and enjoyable experience for all. Drama can engage and empower young people and our collaboration unlocks every child's inner confidence and abundant potential.

What have councils said from past collaborations?

"The workshops proved to be an effective way of enabling us as a County Council, working in partnership with Veolia, to deliver the ‘Reduce, Reuse and Recycle’ message to the schools. Using this creative delivery method there was great potential to spread the message not only to the children involved in the workshop, but also to their peers watching. We are confident the messages learned will be passed on to the parents at home too.
The workshop leader demonstrated enthusiasm and commitment to the pupils at all times, she was attentive and flexible in her approach leading the children in a friendly and professional manner.  All pupils were listened to and  suggestions made were used effectively, allowing pupils to take ownership of the production and be in control of their own work.
Konflux Theatre in Education is a unique way to engage and motivate pupils, it was great to see them grow in confidence as they progressed through the day. Their involvement in the workshops and the final performance will be an experience I think they will remember for many years to come."

Lydia Powles - Schools Waste Action Club Education Officer, (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Play in a Day® Tour)

“The Konflux format engages pupils, it enables students to gain an understanding of issues behind the facts and those watching witness a message delivered by their peers, as opposed to by an adult. Konflux Theatre has provided a high level of service, from full consultation regarding the script, through carrying out all the contact with the schools and making the arrangements for their visit, to doing everything possible to offer flexibility to schools who were struggling to accommodate the project in the given dates. I would recommend the company to others for such a project and would certainly consider using Konflux again.”

Carol Bagshaw, Road Safety Officer, Southampton City Council (Road Safety Play in a Day® Tour)

For more information you can call on 01937 832740, fill out an online enquiry form or email us directly on