International Woman's Day Quiz
International Woman’s Day is a widely celebrated day, it consists both of reflecting on the past as well as hopes for the future. Have your class been paying attention to the important moments in the history of woman’s rights and gender equality? Why not test them with the quiz we have put together below?!
- Which country was the first to give woman the right to vote? Answer: New Zealand in 1893
- Who was the first female to win a nobel prize? Answer: Marie Curie
- How many years do they predicit it will take to out in place laws againts discriminating againts woman across the world? Answer: 286 years
- In what year where some woman in the UK granted the right to vote? Answer: 1918
- How many FTSE 100 companies have a female CEO?Answer: 8
- In 1832, who was the first lady to cross the Atlantic solo, in an airplane? Answer: Amelia Earhart
- Which country has made paying men more than woman illegal? Answer: Iceland
- Which country had the most female reprsentatives in parliment in 2019? Answer: Rwanda
- Malala Yousafzai was shot for what reason?
Answer: Writing a blog about girls right to education.
We hope these questions spark some interesting conversations in your classroom!!