01937 832 740
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01937 832 740
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This Play in a Day is for up to 35 KS2 or 3 pupils. The pupils will work with a facilitator throughout the day and have the opportunity to share a short performance to an audience of their choice at the end of the day.
Promoting fundamental British values as part of SMSC (spiritual, moral, social and cultural development) and addressing the points raised by the Department of Education and Ofsted - “Schools should promote the fundamental British Values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs”.
Through a Konflux Theatre Play in a Day® your pupils will discover the true value of what it means to be British. Come along to our Gala and celebrate British culture, find out where fish and chips originate! We all love a good British cuppa but where does tea actually come from?!
Find out all about the Royal Family, why do we have a Queen? Who’s next in line for the throne?
Discover how democracy and the law works in Britain, who invented parliament and the police force? We can all appreciate that living under the rule of law protects individual citizens and is essential for their wellbeing and safety of everybody! What is ‘right’ and ‘wrong’?
Encouraging students to accept responsibility for their actions, show initiative, and to understand how they can contribute positively to the lives of those living and working closely to them and to society more widely.
Our British Values Play in a Day® has been specifically designed as a spring board to open up discussion between pupils’ and teachers – allowing the children both taking part in the British Values workshop and those watching at the end of the day to know that they have a voice that is listened to and respected.
"The day was really good, well organised and I loved how the whole school could get involved! You are on to a winner with this British Values workshop! It is very difficult to find something that takes it seriously. We have visitors from all different faiths and it was nice to show where British traditions come from. It got the students thinking about Britain and it celebrates diversity!”
"The children had a brilliant time and learnt a number of things from the experience including voice projection, presenting, team work and collaboration as well as some interesting facts about British values and the origins of some things we have always thought of as British. It was a great starting point for more in depth learning about being British."
For more information about our Play in a Day workshops, please click here or ask one of our School Coordinators. You can call on 01937 832740, fill out an online enquiry form or email us directly on info@konfluxtheatre.co.uk