01937 832 740
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01937 832 740
Or click here to use our online contact form.
Everyone wants to do their bit to support those who have been forced to flee their homes because of the invasion on Ukraine.
Children’s Mental Health
Oxford University Press conducted research among over 8,000 UK school children aged 7-14 and found their top keyword when speaking about Lockdown was ‘anxiety’. This was picked over words such as ‘bubble’, ‘kindness’ and ‘challenging’.
Though heart breaking, this statistic is not surprising given the challenges young people have faced during such vital stages of their development and education.
Happy New Year! We hope everyone has had a wonderful Christmas break, however you spent it. We know for many, celebrations were halted or cancelled, and for some coming back to work is the welcome break – either way it’s January and we’re ready to get going.
We’ve lots of special days to mark in the first half of the year and Play in a Day or Creative Learning Workshops to go with them!
What a busy month November has been! It’s been non-stop, but full of fun visits, great feedback and quite a bit of coffee.
The month started with Road Safety workshops in partnership with Redbridge Council, taking our Streets Ahead Play in a Day to schools in their area.
Hello and welcome back to the Konflux Theatre in Education Blog! It’s been a hot minute since our last entry but we’re back!
So… what’s happened since our last entry back in August 2020?
Covid 19 Update
We hope that everyone has been able to, and continues to stay safe and well during the challenging times we have experienced recently.
We are back delivering in-person workshops and are looking forward to seeing you all again soon!
Our workshops are being delivered socially distanced and in line with current national guidelines. We are also happy to adhere to any requirements from each individual school we visit.